What are the requirements for applying for a nursing care visa?

A nursing care visa is one of the work visas and was added to the Immigration Act in September 2017 for foreigners to work in Japan as a certified care worker (kaigo-fukushishi), which requires a national qualification.
The purpose of nursing care visas is to make up for the shortage of nursing care personnel by inviting foreign human resources to the field of nursing care as the population is aging in Japan.
The Immigration Act stipulates that a nursing care visa is for “activities on the part of persons with the qualification of certified care worker to engage in the services of nursing care or instructions on nursing care based on a contract with a public or private organization in Japan.”
In this article, our administrative scrivener will explain the requirements for permission for a nursing care visa.
1. Is a nursing care visa the only way to work in the nursing care industry?
Before starting to explain about the nursing care visa, we would like you to know that there are visas that allow foreigners to engage in nursing care work at Japanese hospitals and nursing facilities, other than nursing care visas and personal status type of visas.
First, let us briefly explain those visas.
I. Technical Intern Training ((i) and (ii))
There is a nursing care occupation in the occupation list for the foreign technical intern training system. Unlike nursing care visas, technical intern training visas do not require a qualification as a care worker, but they do require experience and Japanese language ability of applicants, guidance from the institutions to which applicants belong, and certain office structure, etc.
II. Specified Skilled Workers ((i) and (ii))
This status of residence was established in April 2019, and the field of nursing care is included in the target fields. Like the technical intern training, a qualification as a care worker is not required, but the applicant’s knowledge and abilities, field applicability of the institution to which an applicant belongs, and acceptance system (support plan) are required.
III. Designated Activities (EPA candidates for care workers/care workers)
EPA is an agreement between Japan and a specific country concluded for the purpose of strengthening a wide range of economic relations. Foreign human resources from countries that concluded EPA with Japan can continue to work in Japan until and after they obtain the qualification as a care worker.
The above 3 are visas that allow foreigners to engage in nursing care work, other than nursing care visas and personal status visas. Please choose a visa that suits your situation, taking into consideration your nationality and experience.
Now, let’s check the details of the nursing care visas.
2. How to get a nursing care visa?
In order to obtain a nursing care visa, you need to check 4 points.
(1) The applicant has a certification as a care worker.
⇒ We will explain this in “3. How to get a care worker?” below.
(2) To engage in the activities to provide nursing care or nursing care guidance based on a contract with a public or private organization in Japan.
⇒ Applicants are required to conclude an employment contract with a nursing care facility in Japan and provide physical care related to meals, bathing, excretion, etc. to those who need nursing care and general nursing care services incidental thereto.
(3) To be recognized that the applicant will endeavor to transfer the skills acquired or mastered in Japan to the home country if an applicant falls under the provisions of the Certified Social Workers and Certified Care Workers Act (omitted) and is engaged in the activities listed in the right-hand column under “Technical Intern Training” of Appended Table I (2) of the Immigration Act.
⇒ If a technical intern trainee becomes a care worker, it is required that such trainee be recognized as trying to transfer the skills learned in the technical intern training to his/her home country due to the purpose of the technical intern training system.
(4) To receive no less reward than a Japanese national would receive for comparable work.
⇒ It is necessary to specify in the employment contract a reward equal to or greater than that of a Japanese person who engages in the same work as the applicant.
3. How to become a certified care worker, which is required for a nursing care visa?
The most important point to obtain a nursing care visa is to obtain a qualification as a certified care worker, which is a national qualification.
There are 4 routes to obtain a qualification as a care worker.
A. Work experience route (Obtain the qualification by passing the national examination of care workers after working at a nursing facility for 3 years or more and completing practical training)
B. Training facility route (Obtain the qualification by passing the national examination of care workers after acquiring necessary knowledge and skills at a care worker training facility (vocational school, etc.))
C. High school for welfare studies route (Obtain the qualification by passing the national examination and practical examination of care workers after graduating from a high school (welfare course))
D. EPA route (Obtain the qualification by passing the national examination of care workers after entering Japan with EPA and completing business training at the host facility)
Important point 1
Until recently, only the route “B” was approved as a route for obtaining a nursing care visa.
However, on April 1, 2020, the ministerial ordinance on criteria related to nursing care visas was amended. By such amendment, the status of residence of “Nursing Care” can now be granted, no matter which route is used to acquire the qualification of a care worker.
Therefore, even if you obtain the a care worker qualification via the work experience route or the high school for welfare studies route, you can obtain a nursing care visa.
Important point 2
For International students who graduate from the care worker training facility by 2021, there is a special measure by which they can work without a nursing care visa at a nursing care facility, etc. from April 1 of the year following the year of graduation from a care worker training facility until the issuance of care worker registration certificate.
In this case, it is necessary to change the status of residence to the status of residence of designated activities, and to submit a “copy of the diploma or graduation certificate (or certification of expected graduation) of the care worker training facility, etc.” instead of a “copy of the certificate of registration of a care worker” when applying for permission to change the status of residence.
Important point 3
For international students who have acquired the qualification of a care worker via the work experience route or the high school for welfare studies route, there is a special measure by which they can work at a care worker facility, etc. from April 1 of the year following the year in which they passed the national care worker examination until the issuance of the care worker registration certificate.
In this case, it is necessary to change the status of residence to the status of residence of designated activities, and “a copy of the admission ticket for the national examination of care workers” must be submitted at the time of application for permission to change the status of residence, instead of “a copy of care worker registration certificate.”
If you are considering to change from a student visa or an EPA designated activities visa to a nursing care visa, please check the above 3 important points.
4. Documents required when applying for a nursing care visa
The required documents for applying for a nursing care visa are as follows.
[Application for Certificate of Eligibility]
〇An application form for certificate of eligibility
〇A photograph (4cm×3cm)
〇A copy of the ID page of passport
〇A return envelope (for simple registered mail)
〇A copy of the care worker registration certificate
〇A document that clearly states the terms of employment to be given to workers based on Article 15, paragraph 1 of the Labor Standards Act and Article 5 of the Ordinance for Enforcement of the Act
〇One of the following documents that clarifies the outline of the host organization
(1) A brochure that describes in detail the history, officers, organization, business contents, etc. of the workplace
(2) Other documents equivalent to (1) above created by the workplaces, etc.
〇Declaration of technical transfer
* Only if the applicant has been resided in Japan with the status of residence of “Technical Intern Training.”
〇Any other supporting material which will be necessary for examination
[Application for Change of Status of Residence]
〇An application form for change of status of residence
〇A photograph (4cm×3cm)
〇The passport and residence card
〇A post card prescribed by the Immigration Services Agency
〇A copy of the care worker registration certificate
* Those who change to “Designated Activities” must submit the following documents instead of a copy of the care worker registration card
【Work experience route/high school for welfare studies route】…A copy of the admission ticket for the national examination of care workers
【Training facility route】…A copy of the diploma or a graduation certificate (or a certificate of expected graduation) of the care worker training facility, etc.
〇A copy of documents (an employment contract, etc.) that clarify working conditions and the content of work to be engaged
〇Materials that clarify the outline of the institution where the applicant works
〇Any other supporting material which will be necessary for examination
[Application for Extension of Period of Stay]
〇An application form for extension of period of stay
〇A photograph (4cm×3cm)
〇The passport and residence card
〇A post card prescribed by the Immigration Services Agency
〇Certificate of taxation (or tax exemption) of residence tax and certificate of tax payment
〇Any other supporting material which will be necessary for examination
5. Summary of nursing care visas
While currently, nursing care visas are less used than EPA designated activities visas and technical intern training visas, the labor force of foreign human resources is a valuable considering Japan’s aging society.
We not only support obtaining nursing care visas, but also propose more appropriate visas, if any, considering the characteristics of companies and their foreign employees, so if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.